Sunday, June 3, 2012

First post this SEM

         In my experience with endocrinology it's a study of what goes on with the body's endocrine system. The endocrine system involves the study of what is produced by Glands. Endocrine glands do not have ducts and spill produce directly into the blood stream. unlike Exocrine glands which have ducts.

Although the Endocrine system is a familiar topic that has been pointed out in both Elementary and High school, Further clarification is given in college.
 The study of the Endocrine system and It's products which are "Hormones" (Initiators) and "Enzymes" (Catalysts) are integrated under the Subject "Clinical Chemistry) within the course of Clinical Laboratory Science.

 Some Enzymes in my experience were introduced in Psychology class wherein the Brain's function is also studied and involves Hormones and Enzymes. Human Anatomy and Physiology is also another subject in which I've encountered the study of the Endocrine system.
  "I like you from the bottom of my Hypothalamus" a saying I usually hear from people who understand that the heart is not responsible for emotion but for pumping blood. In the span of study, I've also realized that the Master Gland is also directed by the Hypothalamus.

From common knowledge that the pancreas produces insulin and Glucagon to not so common T3, and T4 of the Thyroid hormone, The study of the endocrine system has proved to be good at clarifying many questions I used to have as a child. I was familiar With Diabetes but found it unclear until the study of Insulin and other functions within the Endocrine system was discussed in a class.

For possible clarification kindly try the video below, if you want to.

        As a learner in my younger years I learned of Adrenaline and Adrenocorticotropic Hormones from an Encyclopedia set i had, I learned that Adrenaline and Noradrenaline were used in special cases that required the human body to spend more energy than usual an example would be being in peril.

Enzymes are very specific, or so I learned, they also come in small amounts which as told, is why their activity is measured instead of concentration, Hormones such as Testosterone and Estrogen are responsible for sex traits.

 I once encountered Estrogen (Correct me if I'm at fault) is responsible for the end of growth in height, it was once pointed out that this was the reason why females matured faster than males but stopped earlier than males as well.

      i'm expecting to assimilate or gather new knowledge as I come along the way of the course and continue studies on the rest of the endocrine functions, my knowledge is limited but hopefully will clear with time.

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