Sunday, June 10, 2012

Glimpse of Toxicology

                    Toxicology, the study of toxins, chemicals and what they do to the body , Pharmacodynamics would be study of what drugs do to the body, Pharmacokinetics would be the drug or substance’s fate when in the body. Although taken under different subjects, they seemingly have relationship with one another. Clinical, Forensic and Industrial are just some of the Branches of toxicology.
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 Based on experience growing up, I learned that plants could be medicinal sources and that some traditional medication comes from plants. An image of an Oregano plant which in our province is used to cure head-aches by application on to the skin. Whether or not the juices from the leaves are actually absorbed by the body, I am unsure, but in my experience it is somewhat effective.
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The above image is of a Guava tree/Plant with fruits, the fruits are said to be nutritious while the leaves may be used in healing wounds and other traditional medicinal purposes. The Chemicals within the plant are organic and it whatever possible side effects there are from eating too much is unknown to me.
                  I was told that anything that enters your body is poisonous, and that the dose is what differentiates poison from what is not, the line of course being taken from the words of Paracelsus. During the time I was enrolled in Pharmacology class There was a study of different drugs and their effects on the human body.
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Some of the classes of drugs are as listed below.

!. Stimulants: Drugs that may keep you up, my personal favorite would be caffeine, as a stimulant and a diuretic, this helps in keeping you up while burning the midnight oil.

                                                                Image source.

2. Hallucinogens: Drugs that make take to other worlds with the use of illusions, or something like that, hallucinogens may make great antisepctics, but they could mess you up really badly. Depending on whether they are Deliriants, Dissociatives or Psychedelics.

3. Sedatives, hypnotics: Drugs that can literally knock you out like Tranquillizers, my personal favorite is Rohypnol (Date rape drug), it’s not that I want to use it on anyone but the effects are really strong, it’s known to cause black outs and effects that could make one feel like having an overnight amnesia.

Industries may have formed ways on how to consume drugs but may have the potential to cause harm depending on doze. You may try the video as posted below.


Drugs were also classified by schedule, or a class that would require a medic special authority to be able to prescribe to someone.

Schedule 1. Drugs which are said to be highly abused and have little or no medical importance includes drugs that may cause dependency like Heroin. However, due to it’s potency in relieving sever pain, Heroin has potential use for heavy injury pain relief.

Schedule 2. Drugs that do have medical use but can cause user dependency, drugs like Morphine can be used as a strong anesthetic. Cocaine is said to have been a strong cure for tooth-ache.

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Schedule 3. Drugs like barbiturates although medical utilities have moderate dependency rates but when Codeine was incorporated to cough syrup at one time, people were said to be buying cough syrup even when they didn't have a cough.

Schedule 4. Drugs that are used in the medical field and have low abuse as well as low dependency rates.

You may watch the video fro information on toxicology.

                                                                       Video Source.

Toxicology in my thought would bee the determination of hazardous effects of substances introduced into the body including their harmful mechanisms or actions in the system.

Among the sources.
Among the sources.
Among the sources.
Among the sources.
Among the sources.

Information is also taken from Basic Pharmacology and Basic Pharmacology Class Lectures.

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